About us

ReSI Housing Limited is registered with the Regulator of Social Housing, which monitors and regulates what we do, to ensure we meet the standards for managing and maintaining homes. Our registration number is 5053.

Our aim is to become a significant affordable housing provider in England, focused on helping first-time buyers to purchase and maintain their property, in the knowledge that they have a home they can afford with a landlord who cares.

We work hard to make the homes we provide affordable and comfortable places to live in. We carefully select Property Managers who are responsible for looking after properties on our behalf.

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, and we strive to deliver services over and above the role of a traditional landlord.


David Orr, CBE
Non-Executive Chairman
Gillian Rowley
Non-Executive Director
Ben Fry
Executive Director
Sandeep Patel
Executive Director
Pete Redman
Executive Director
Mark Rogers
Non-Executive Director